Verizon SUCKS
So how cool is it to have DSL service that's 1.3 mpbs one minute, and a blazing 3 k/sec the next? Almost as cool as paying $40/month for it. It sucks, especially when I'm trying to download stuff- for educational purposes, of course. The worst part is, you can't call to bitch about it without waiting on hold for like 3 hours. I can't believe the MORONS they have working at Verizon, I could train a retarded sea lion to troubleshoot better than these people. It's amazing there's enough electricity misfiring in their big pumpkin heads to manage to answer a phone, let alone solve any kind of problems. I once wasted 4 precious hours of my life waiting on hold with these assclowns. What was I thinking? I would get more accomplished talking to a rat's cancerous ballsack for 4 hours. They transfer your call an average of 6 times per call, because no one knows how to solve your problem so they just throw you around to different departments. I think it's time to tell them to suck it and try cable modem. It could be as bad or worse, but it's worth a shot. Maybe coming soon... a Charter sucks page. I hope not.
People hate being jerked around by Verizon.